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  • amyvreeke

Good mum/ bad day

Yesterday was a pretty hellish day with Bob. Not sure if it’s teething or a cold or generally being two but from morning till night he was testing every boundary and nerve, nothing seemed to make it better and I cry-ate chocolate after I put him to bed.

It’s days like that I always feel like I’m a terrible mum, I sit thinking surely I’m doing something wrong? Or I’m just not very good at coping, I bet other mums handle it better, was I too hard on him?

Todays a nursery day (praise god). Before I started work I took myself out for a walk (which obvs I felt guilty for, time to myself, how dare I?!) I started it with all those bad mum thoughts going round in my head, but by the time I finished I realised that’s all bullshit.

It’s doing days like that that make me a good mum, isn’t it? The days he’s happy and content and we have fun, well, I’m glad that I can make that happen and it’s still tiring but managing to get through days that make you wish you could walk out the door - and not walking out - that’s achieving something pretty fucking amazing.

Sending love to all the mums, no-one is really coping better, you’re amazing, go for a walk and finish off with a sausage butty - it really helps.

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